
A new season has come to my life and, as it usually goes, new seasons bring new experiences and opportunites. This blog will be one of those new experiences for me. It is my hope that I can share vision, revelation, and ideas with you here as well as updates on youth/childrens ministry happenings and such on a regular basis. One of my goals in this is to help bridge the gap in communication between our adults and young people and give you some idea of what God is doing and teaching us through this ministry. I am looking forward to seeing Gods plans come to fulfillment in the lives of our children.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Seekers Heart

Plans, strategies, programs; not bad things in and of themselves, but what we really need is God's presence. If that's not our chief concern then all those other things will be in vain.

He comes to those who seek him, and with all their heart at that. It's that simple. If we're missing his presence it's because we're missing a seekers heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 says this: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Interestingly enough, when researched in the original Hebrew, the word seek here...well it means 'seek'. That's right, it means exactly what it says.

Herein lies the issue I believe. The fact is we are such a busy, give it to me now, microwave oven kind of culture that we just don't have time for things like true seeking anymore. Honestly, it would be easier if we could just go about our lives, doing our own thing and when we need God for something just wink and he be there, ready to do our bidding. Unfortunately, we are probably all guilty sometimes of treating God kind of like our own personal Genie in a bottle.

Funny thing is we still tend get upset with God when he doesn't seem to show up on cue. Often we find ourselves in the middle of a crisis, not seeing God, not feeling God, and honestly not sure he's even there and wondering why.
Maybe our church services even feel a little slack on his presence lately. The glory is just not tangible and manifest like it once was. The Holy Spirit doesn't seem to have the time to interrupt our routine these days...maybe that's it, or maybe it's this: maybe God is just looking, anxiously waiting even, for someone who will diligently seek him with all their heart again. Maybe he desires a people who won't just run in and out of service on their own time schedule, looking for a quick pick me up. Maybe he wants to connect intimately, deeply with those who will sacrifice their precious time for his priceless presence...those who know what it means to persevere in prayer.

After all, if he just handed out all his goodness like candy to everyone who stretched out their needy hand, wouldn't everyone in the world be on board. I mean that's easy, the way we like it. The truth is God's mystery revealed, the depth of his character, his heart and heartbeat...they were never really meant to be known by the casual pew warmer, or anyone who takes such a great and holy presence so flippantly. No, he's much to jealous a God for that. He wants our time and affection. He wants our undivided attention and he's reserved an immeasurable amount of goodness for those who are willing to truly seek him.

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