
A new season has come to my life and, as it usually goes, new seasons bring new experiences and opportunites. This blog will be one of those new experiences for me. It is my hope that I can share vision, revelation, and ideas with you here as well as updates on youth/childrens ministry happenings and such on a regular basis. One of my goals in this is to help bridge the gap in communication between our adults and young people and give you some idea of what God is doing and teaching us through this ministry. I am looking forward to seeing Gods plans come to fulfillment in the lives of our children.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poise Yourself for Victory

David in his lifetime was King of Israel. He was the General of a mighty band of 37 warriors, who did many great feats and exploits and defeated entire armies.
In the beginning however, David was only a shepherd boy. He was small, inadequate and unknown. His job was simply to keep the sheep. However, God begin to do great things through David at a young age. David slew a lion and a bear with his bare hands, and as he grew so did his faith.
When Goliath rose up against the Israelites no one expected David to step up to the Challenge. He would not have been ridiculed or despised for not being willing to face Goliath. In fact his name never crossed anyone’s mind. He was actually the last person they probably would have imagined stepping out and saying I’ll go down and face the Giant. So David wasn’t forced to face Goliath, he wasn’t even asked to except by God. David stepped out in faith and obedience. He chose to position himself in a place where God could show his might and do the miraculous. If he’d never made the choice to face Goliath, he’d have never had the opportunity to defeat him and possibly would have never risen to the greatness of the position God had ordained for him.
So here David is, a little shepherd boy, poised for a miraculous victory over an intimidating foe. Plenty there were that laughed and mocked him I’m sure. He set himself up for either victory or a humiliating death and because of his faith in the might of his God, he forever left an imprint on history; an event that we still look back to today as an example for our own faith and courage.
When we are faced with what seems like impossible odds, called out by a foe that may seem too big and intimidating, if we will let our faith rise up and believe that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world, then we will place our self in a position to see God do the miraculous in our lives. Then he will be able to promote us to that position or higher calling he has planned for us.
I once asked God why I’d never seen the dead raised, to which God replied, have you ever laid hands on the dead and prayed for them to be raised. There are times when, in order to see God do the miraculous, we must position ourselves in a place where we can see only two options, great humiliation or great victory.
Let’s poise ourselves for victory!

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